Aussie castaways try to call Asians different names every week challenge (successful);
Aussie castaways try not to be morally superior on Survivor challenge (failed).
I love the og brawns on the brain tribe and I hope they stick together IDC IDC SUE ME , i literally hate aj so much he genuinely thinks he’s the godfather but he’s actually a loser , everyone flip on aj challenge starting tmr night PLEASE 😭
Aw man what a tribal. What is making this season so phenomenal is how they make even the most straightforward votes into the most chaotically entertaining episodes
I love AJ but he’d get much farther in this game if he chilled out a bit. This episode he was especially ruthless yet he’s so strategic
Watching that immunity challenge was infuriating lmao I can’t deal with any more of this throwing bullshit, Jeff Probst is frowning down from the heavens (he’s not dead he just doesn’t care about Australian survivor)
Everyone in this episode who didn't vote AJ is a genuine idiot. Feels like a scripted show with an obvious twist villain that frustratingly, none of the characters will turn.