Tag: paramount plus

this show was such a mystery throughout and I actually loved that. I could never tell what tone it was going for, what story it wanted to tell, if the characters were evil or just really out of touch. and none of that was frustrating somehow!! up until the very end you have NO CLUE what the show rea

bro WHAT !!!!???? 😂😂 I never ever ever could have guessed in a million years this is how the show would end. so unbelievably odd, and extremely unique and creative I have so much respect for it subverting my expectations this much. that was actually horrific to watch though. nightmares tonight

knew young turks by rod stewart would be in this ep when I saw the title THE ENDING WAS SO SCARY?? whitney and asher are both creatures straight out of my nightmares tbh

medically I did die for a minute when asher was rapping cause of death secondhand embarrassment

asher getting told off by everyone just for telling a small penis joke 😭😭 I hate him but let him rest

no more of asher’s dick I’m seriously begging you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Jokes for Show • Be self-deprecating (e.g. James Corden) okay that’s it I’m at 100% hate level with asher bro’s taking comedy inspo from james corden he’s about to get even cringier

I guess the main thing I want to say here is I really don’t know why the return and the original show have to be categorised as the same thing on this app?? it’s so annoying bc they are just so different and imo separate things. streaming services have them separated and that makes more sense to me…

what I liked! • fun bc I did zero research beforehand so I was pleasantly surprised by a lot of the cast • ^ on that note great acting from most • frank truman is a nice character, and this is james hurley’s REDEMPTION ARC I actually liked him • the use of sound (even though the repetit

I liked the last scene! just to be clear I read about ten essays about the season after watching this. I read the fans’ perspectives. I read what I could find just to give this season and its finale their fair shot and see if other people’s explanations and readings of it were what I was thinking as

starting my succession rewatch has made me hate this more tbh when you compare it to actual brilliance this is simply bad idk am I crazy?? this is just poor compared to other TV is it not?? I actually feel like I’m being gaslighted when I look at the 4.71 rating for this episode and read the reviews

I love tim roth and jennifer jason leigh ‘twas a great episode for them. that’s it though can’t believe how underwhelming THAT plot conclusion was

The Curse (2023)

S01 E04 · Under the Big Tree
that guy’s seinfeld t-shirt omg. the last scene was so cringe it felt like all my organs were getting pulled out

if you told me two weeks ago I’d be wanting to save james hurley from getting beaten up I’d say what are you talking about that’s the dream scene but now GET TF OFF HIM?? HE DID NOTHING WRONG ☹️ (the glove thing is so stupid tho btw LMAO)

james is in my top three characters this season which is a.) one of the most embarrassing things that’s ever happened to me and b.) a testament to how bad the character writing is in the return actually loved the scene of him with the british guy …unfortunately followed by that sarah palmer face s

The Curse (2023)

S01 E02 · Pressure's Looking Good So Far
I don’t really know what’s going on in this show but it’s very entertaining

how can the show that produced arbitrary law. THE SPRINKLER SCENE. end up like this. it’s a bigger tragedy than romeo and juliet like this season has such boring characters and storylines that I was glad to see james. JAMES. JAMES HURLEY. IN A SINGING SCENE AT THAT

The Curse (2023)

S01 E01 · Land of Enchantment

I actually despise every single character in this season except for frank truman. even the characters who are OG idc I hate them now. I especially dislike gordon cole and diane

new show I’ll be rewatching for eternity

it feels like I’ve been watching this season for literally two years and I’m not even joking why has the return got such a running theme of annoying repetitive noises it’s giving me flashbacks to the drug deal scene from boogie nights

dougie was actually one of the things I didn’t mind about this season but I’m so sick of him now. get him off my screen with immediate effect ngl somehow I got through S1 and 2 without developing doughnut cravings but this got me wanting one so bad

this show has such an unexpected cast why am I now looking at tim roth best episode so far imo. matthew lillard’s performance was so good. still don’t like this season though lol