Tag: Crime

At this point I don't think somebody can watch a television season as good and perfect as this one! Easily a favorite one and definitely worth watching! Started watching it in 03/12 Finished watching it in 23/12

Fantastic and definitely a great season to watch from start to finish!I loved every episode of it and truly was amazed bt how every character developed throughout the whole season without exceptions! Can't wait to start to mext to one to witness pure cinematic mob perfection!Its finale is great but

Truly one of the best seasons in this series with lots of ups and downs and an amazing sequence in every episode.The performances of all the actors are iconic in their every effort,this series simply can't miss at that's sincerely true! Season 1 Review St

An amazing first season that was actually quite interesting even in its weak episodes. It's definitely worth the hype and I'd definitely like to see it continue in the next seasons even if the ending was somewhat disappointing it gives me hope for more in this mafia tv show. Started watching it in

I loved its suspense and the performances of the actors keep getting better and Although Gale was such a wholesome character...He truly deserved so much better...The series, despite the hollow and filling episodes, does not lose its strength and achieves its finale as it deserves! <a href="https://

Despite the fact that it took me two months to finish it is definitely an amazing second season that definitely does not disappoint with the memes, suspense and unfolding of the story.Man I love Sol Goodman and I was really saddened by the end of the season I hope for the best in the next season of

Για τα Ελληνικά δεδομένα είναι σίγουρα από τις αγαπημένες μου σειρές και η πρώτη σεζόν της ήταν σίγουρα ένα αριστούργημα από κάθε άποψη. Διασκεδαστική σεζόν και εντελώς απρόβλεπτη. Αξίζει σίγουρα να την δει κάποιος και πόσο μάλλον για τις ελπίδες που "αφήνει" η σειρά στον θεατή για την δεύτερη σεζόν

Amazing as a first season and definitely one of the funniest chemistry of Jesse Pinkman and Walter White. It was actually quite good and with a heavy dose of TOO MANY memes! Started watching it in 26/05 Finished watching it in 29/05

Definitely a pretty interesting series with a nice and interesting script...as a first season it was quite satisfying but it could definitely become more interesting in some episodes. Started watching it in 08/02 Finished watching it in 06/03