Tag: 1080p

Could easily be considered one of the most unnecessary seasons of all time...super predictable,had my attention one the last episode but the cliffhanger ending truly proved to me how poorly I manage my time... Started watching it in 06/01 Finished watching it in 08/01

At this point I don't think somebody can watch a television season as good and perfect as this one! Easily a favorite one and definitely worth watching! Started watching it in 03/12 Finished watching it in 23/12

Fantastic and definitely a great season to watch from start to finish!I loved every episode of it and truly was amazed bt how every character developed throughout the whole season without exceptions! Can't wait to start to mext to one to witness pure cinematic mob perfection!Its finale is great but

Truly one of the best seasons in this series with lots of ups and downs and an amazing sequence in every episode.The performances of all the actors are iconic in their every effort,this series simply can't miss at that's sincerely true! Season 1 Review St

Terrifying and completely disgusting, I liked its body horror bt junji ito and I would definitely would like to read more mangas from him in the near future.But in terms of animation and storytelling "Uzumaki" truly sucks and its truly a disgrace for animation genre.Probably the biggest downfall in

An amazing first season that was actually quite interesting even in its weak episodes. It's definitely worth the hype and I'd definitely like to see it continue in the next seasons even if the ending was somewhat disappointing it gives me hope for more in this mafia tv show. Started watching it in

I loved its suspense and the performances of the actors keep getting better and Although Gale was such a wholesome character...He truly deserved so much better...The series, despite the hollow and filling episodes, does not lose its strength and achieves its finale as it deserves! <a href="https://

Despite the fact that it took me two months to finish it is definitely an amazing second season that definitely does not disappoint with the memes, suspense and unfolding of the story.Man I love Sol Goodman and I was really saddened by the end of the season I hope for the best in the next season of

Για τα Ελληνικά δεδομένα είναι σίγουρα από τις αγαπημένες μου σειρές και η πρώτη σεζόν της ήταν σίγουρα ένα αριστούργημα από κάθε άποψη. Διασκεδαστική σεζόν και εντελώς απρόβλεπτη. Αξίζει σίγουρα να την δει κάποιος και πόσο μάλλον για τις ελπίδες που "αφήνει" η σειρά στον θεατή για την δεύτερη σεζόν

Truly a masterpiece of art and certainly a gem in the telling of such an important world renowned disaster. In just 5 episodes, this mini-series managed to do the impossible for me personally, not to lose its essence and interest...Now one of my favorite series and I definitely consider it a work of

Even though it took me at least 2 months to finish it was really worth it.The suspense of the series, its plot and even the character of the protagonist were too good.Its atmosphere and its soundtrack were the most beautiful I have seen and heard.The aesthetic of the series is definitely the most be

Amazing as a first season and definitely one of the funniest chemistry of Jesse Pinkman and Walter White. It was actually quite good and with a heavy dose of TOO MANY memes! Started watching it in 26/05 Finished watching it in 29/05

I had to get into the process of watching it again with my girlfriend...it really continues to be a masterpiece for sure!Watch it or if you've seen it before it's really worth it to watch it again! First Watch Review Started watching it in 12/05 Finished wa

One of the best short series of the year!Its amazing subject matter and its chilling detail are what draw you in and make you addicted to see and learn about the personal experiences of a comedian.Truly one of the best series one can watch with an extremely short duration.See it really deserves ever

One of the best series of the year and definitely one of the best series for such a masterpiece and iconic video game like the Fallout game franchise.Amazing series with some kinda bad and pretty mediocre episodes...anyway, it was definitely worth watching and I definitely recommend it!Finally there

Definitely a pretty interesting series with a nice and interesting script...as a first season it was quite satisfying but it could definitely become more interesting in some episodes. Started watching it in 08/02 Finished watching it in 06/03

Definitely not one of the best seasons of the series... not even one of the shortest but it was definitely worth watching... I'm waiting to see how the next season will develop when it comes out! Season 25 Review Started watching it in 07/02 Finished watchi

Amazing season...wow I'm just in shock...literally I never expected a season like this to have such a slow start and such an epic and powerful ending...This particular series is now an example for me personally in the areas of kung and script without any doubt...Of course, it had several weak episod

It was by no means the Ted humor I was expecting...a complete disappointment literally!The jokes were reminiscent to family guy and wer totally not funny at all...Nevertheless the movie has some very few good moments that one can literally find and definitely watch without having to watch this entir

Definitely one of the shortest and completely disappointing seasons in the show's history... I'm honestly at a loss as to why it wasn't that good... hopefully the next and last (for recent data)worth the time and effort... Season 24 Review Started watching

An all too short season... given the fact that there was a covid-19 quarantine...Not particularly crazy, somewhat humorous I would say and definitely a fast passing of an entire season... Season 23 Review Started watching it in 26/01 Finished watching it i

Definitely not the strongest season but it definitely had enough funny episodes that I admit I was glad to see... I can't believe I'm almost at the end of the series... Season 22 Review Started watching it in 23/01 Finished watching it in 26/01

Amazing, enchanting and definitely one of the seasons that I did not expect to have so much interest. It had some ups and downs, but the chaos in the kitchen was definitely its highlight!I almost cringed in several scenes... but in the end it was definitely worth it and I'm really hyped for the next