Tag: 2024

This was an absolutely incredible season! If it continues like this, I will love this show for forever and be distraught if it ever comes off the air!!

The second half of this season really picked up and has given me hope for this show. (finallyyy)

We’re back in peak quality Chicago Fire, people! 👏👏 I haven’t loved this show as much since season 3!

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The best season of this show so far in my opinion but I will never stop hating Voight so this season still doesn’t gain any higher than 4 stars of enjoyment…

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This continues to be a show that I come back to time and again for comfort ❤️ despite the fact that it may be one of the least comforting tv shows ever created

I’ve been watching cooking/baking shows for ~10 years and this is by far the best thing that has ever graced the genre 👏👏 15 more seasons now, please!

/Significantly/ better than last season. I still don’t like half of the characters but I actively enjoyed a couple storylines, so ✨progress✨

The stark difference between the s5 finale and the s6 finale is actually disgusting. The writers should be appalled with themselves. Otherwise, though, it was a standardly good season comparable to the last few.

My least favorite season of House to date, for too many reasons….

I despise what they have done to this show. It used to be a masterpiece, you monsters!!

Me and medical shows just don’t get along very well. This wasn’t terrible for a first season of one, though. Definitely better than some…

This season got messy at points, but my love for these characters continues to prevail! (… for now)

Definitely a step down from the first two seasons, but most of it was still great. I still love my 51 fam most of all 🫶

I have avoided this show for years and now that I’m finally giving in to watching it, I’m only slightly enjoying myself… this does not bode well for my future.

I don’t care what kind of reputation it gives me, I love this stupid, dramatic, soap opera-esque show with all of myself!! 🫶🌟💖

A really solid season to something that I’m only slightly embarrassed to say is probably going to be a new favorite show.

This season was a mess for the majority of it, but by the end of it, it started to get back to the definitive House charm and I suppose it wins a few points for that.

Best season of OUAT by far! Not a single fumble! It lives in my heart and mind absolutely rent free 100% of the time 💖💖🫶