Tag: W/jamie

Errrmmm yeah Teddy is not giving Mitchell at all in that sense. Like he’s literally an evil little man, he’s the next villain of the show I see it. Him not backing down when he was scaring Sharon … and killing Harrys GF?? Like that’s not…. Er? Changed for his son lol yeah whatever, LAMOOOO THE ANCHO

Getter Jade ☺️☺️🤞🙏 proper punch and then a whole lotta nothing but atleast she got a hit in 🤭 Sooo stupid!!! Surprised we never got Jean coming in and telling the men they’re not allowed to drink while Martin is dead lol Gmmm

Here We Go (2022)

S01 E01 · Mum’s Birthday Voucher
Birthday for the breakfast girl x Love this show, obviously getting everyone in on it

I’m crying what a load of old shit 😭😭😭😭 now that’s gonna be her new blackmail Never gonna forgive that little freak Tommy

Not them trying to make a UK Jackass like Dirty Sanchez didn’t already do that 🙃🙃 especially where they’re describing everything but that like stop And KSI being on here, they’re soooo desperate for views fr 😭😭 it’s all been done it’s overrrr 💔‼️ The choirs of everything you can think of ever

Nurse yo yo knickers im dead 💀💀💀💀 She’s gonna end up doing something to herself but all her issues are genuinely her fault sorry like aside from her mum dying and being almost date raped I was so sure that’s the 4th Luka actor but it’s not?! wtf Not that weirdo and our Rida 😕😕😕 not trust

RIP Martin you were a human man who had a mum and dad and family and liked football and that one song and fruit because you worked on a fruit stall ❤️ it’s so funny, I’ve got this crush on this girl and I love her blueish-brownish-greenish colour eyes and the fact she has a torso and head with ears

Certainly mincing this shit up 😭😭 I liked: Stacey and Martins relationship or truths being told HOWEVER like a lot of this episode it’s just dragging out what we already heard everyone say like actually multiple conversations like ehateverrrrr I think Cindy being a cunt even despite being save

Okay the execution at the very end was actually quite good! No one is gonna be dead tho they can’t commit to fuck all, at a push I’ll say Sonia because she’s supposed to be going for good. Stacey in a Coma (so Martin can realise he really does love her/can’t be without her and she’s going on mater

NAUUURRRRR PHILLY WILLY 😭 how is NOONE seeing these fucking warning signs?!? Damn. Cindy is such a fucking nitwit I can’t even be arsed with her storyline Okay they ate thay one little thing. Martin looking back and forth to Stacey eye 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Shitting my pants that I didn’t get anyone other than Brian blessed lol Like the soundtrack is crazy because there’s literally 5 songs? 😭😭 only one of which is non instrumental like..

The way that sister julienne acts like she’s never heard of racism like girl,,, all the patients you’ve had and people you’ve worked with give it up. Hmmm, I think this was good but I don’t think Cyril needs to jump into bed that quick. How do they kill Nigel before sister Monica Joan is crazzzyyy

Get her Jade! You watch Jodie is once again going to be the victim and have others’ asses shown because ?? She’s the she’s favourite maybe? She’s gonna try and kill hersled or something and then everrryyyooonnnee will have to apologise to her. Soo annoying, consistently has people covering, taking t

It’s gone a lot further than sniffing mate GAGGGGEEEDDDDDD stop crying they’re all gonna get over it soon enough Reece is such a little scumbag please someone kill him yesterday!!!! Manipulative little worm.

I’m crying this is sooo bad Afraid to answer a text in front of the balding cunt and yet you bring it home to watch??? YOU STUPID TWAT !! Fuck uou

Can’t even enjoy this already want to blow my balls off, idk what’s going on with Phil is it just him being depressed or what? I don’t want Priya and Ravi

Not my Ngole at risk again!!!!!!! No but really that was so sad. Dylan …. Is this in character for him?????

Gave up on the other season depressed me sorry c Lovveeeee this cast already!! Maybe I’m a dumb dumb but where did that task ask for bean circumference? And not just do the circumference and chuck the beans on you?? Also the baked bean is the baked beans bevause the tomato sauce addition is the ad

Taskmaster (2015)

S05 E05 · A Wind-Dried Puffin
Am I allowed to have these thoughts? So funny and I think I have my brother hooked🙏

Taskmaster (2015)

S05 E04 · Residue Around the Hoof
Put a cow in a room and leave it to wither for 40 days Sooo stupid and so funny My crocs jibbet just went under my toenail kill me

The way Reiss is manipulating Sonia. Literally tell that LOSER to get out your house?? Anyone else listening can see that that is a reasonable request why should she have more loyalty to your wife who she’s never consciously met or known than her OWN SISTER?’vvbb I am once again humbly asking for t

Pretty good, I do think the route of getting friends and help for her son was nicer than I thought it was going to be Only giving a toss and realising all your wife sacrificed for you once she’s dead? Hmmm I don’t know about that. Feels weird there. But maybe it’s just another reality of what happ

The whole closure of the market is like a side plot sure it’s not strong enough to be a main plot but damn the main plot isn’t even interesting and the side is even worserer 😭 Don’t care about Billy and Honey begging again like does anyone really gaf get married or don’t she might shag Jay again

They’re gonna hate these too Uhhhh JEAN. She’s so me tho ngl, absolutely annoying little moaning bitch x Need to rag Cindy by her hair What kinda fucking idiots are you to not see Kojos head down looking at no one as a normal response?? Like Cindy right there too?? Bellends ommmgggg I am once a